søndag den 9. februar 2014

Poetic Thought on a sunday.

I have just had a rather ambivalent weekend.

Very eventful, yet hard to characterize as I particularly good one, as I was forced to say goodbye to a friend of mine, for possibly a very long time. A friend hum were like family to me.  

I went swimming, attended a nice dinner.
I went ice disco skating.
I attended off skate training.
I even had a little time just to watch some winter Olympics.

However, as I recall this awesome and eventful weekend, I hate that it has to adjourn in me having to say goodbye. I guess goodbyes are just never easy.

Upon my return travel, I took a detour I felt adventures, so I took my camera out of its 
bag, and started shooting.

These two photos were shot with my Canon 600D, an 18-135mm 3.5-5.6f lens (so nothing fancy), and touched-up with Lightroom 5.
These photographs are in tone with my weekend, sad yet in its own ways very beautiful.
I live nearby a little Lake, where there from time to time are to find these beautiful creatures (swans). As I was trying to take this picture, a family of ducks came waddling by and settled right in the frame, I nearly gave up, but right then they decided it was time to move on, and the photo nearly took it self.

Now I really like this next photo. It is like, it is its own little story just waiting for you to interpret, and unfold in your mind. Now why this man had taken rest at this time and this place, (it was quite late) I have no idea, but looking at this picture you cannot help but find yourself wondering.
I also love the mood with which you find this late winter, it’s quite gloomy and dark, but in its darkness you’ll find this cold beauty, this tin of blue, and a side of nature (or the lack of such) that is, in my mind, not depictured as often as it deserves.

This was just some thoughts of a tired mind. I bid you goodnight and a fantastic upcoming week! 
"Find beauty in that which others cannot." -Rasmus Elving

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