torsdag den 30. april 2015

A Silent Storm with Photography.

A Stormy Head

It is now quite some time since i last wrote on this blog, as a matter of fact, more than a year! wow that long? I’ve been busy, right now I’m working together with my group to put the finishing touches on our 4th semester project, which is great, but having to do that alongside all the other classes i attend and need the keep up with, well, let’s just say my head is spinning!
And the ever growing threat of the “MONTH-OF-DOOM,” well some just call it exams but it always hits me really hard, and this time around i have 4! Phew… I’ll be rounding this off with a little of my adventure of yesterday.

A Chance To Clear My Head

So I finally got some time, and the opportunity to whip out the now dusty camera and stretch my creative muscle, Emilie and I went for a walk around the neighborhood as we had previously found out that we live quite near a cute little pond, that might offer some nice photo opportunities. It was a little cold and we were almost eaten alive by freaking mosquitoes but i think it was all worth it in the end. It was super fun, and i got some clarity (And some great shots) out of it. I dare all of you to grab your camera and do the same, go explore your neighborhood I’d bet you could find places you didn’t even know were there.

A new Perspective

Make everyday a new adventure, and never stop exploring, even the smallest of things can tell the greatest stories, you just have to take your time to actually listen for it, in all this chaos and stress of today it’s easy to lose your head and yourself in the gloomy mist of it all. But always remember to prioritise YOU, and you will shine through!

I tried to keep the post-processing to a minimum not sure i succeded, but I love the result, I'm glad it turned out so well.

If you’ve made it this far i think you're an amazing individual, and i wish you an amazing weekend and the best of adventures! - Krudte